


We have more than ten years of massage experience in Hsinchu, and we have more than 30 young and stress-relieving high-quality service teams. Whether you are in the Greater Taipei area, New Taipei City, Kaohsiung, etc., we have arranged for the lady to come to the service. massage.

Through professional training, each reliever is very dedicated, aged between 21 and 35 years old, with a sweet smile, first-class technology, friendly service, high degree of cooperation, professional and unique massage techniques, so you can soothe your tired body without going out. Achieve psychological and physical complete release, unique to bring you a high-quality enjoyment.

The delicate masseur, with a delicate technique, will give you a unique, pleasant and joyful time. No matter where you are, you only need one call at the moment! You can arrange your service right away! And arrive at your designated location in the fastest time, the same day service. The appointment on the day, recommended by the oil pressure massage, can give you a simple and unburdened fun. Hsinchu Outer Massage

Shujintongluo, take time to give yourself an unrestrained relaxation. After a whole day of work, you will feel tired and exhausted for your career. At this time, you may need a good massage service to relieve your tiredness. Physical and mental, so this website is for you; we provide hotel on-site massage service, our technicians are very professional, hydraulic massage technology is gentle and heavy, it is worthy of your experience... Taichung and foreign massage

The friendly attitude is attentive to you, the process is focused on giving you the best experience, no sales of any products, any package treatment, the method of light and heavy adjustment according to your needs to make you happy and comfortable.


清秀的按摩師,以細膩的手法為您全身鬆筋油壓,讓您擁有一個獨特、愉悅、歡樂的美好時光.無論您目前身處何地,此刻只需您一個電話!便可以立即為您安排服務!並以最快的時間抵達您指定的地點,當天服務.當天預約,油壓按摩推薦, 能給您簡單無負擔的樂活。






  • Phone:
  • 連絡電話:0958278500
  • Fax:
  • 聯絡信箱:Alicespamassage@gmail.com
  • LINE ID:Alice168169
  • Wechat ID:miyako168169
  • 2021© Copyright All Rights Reserved

    台北外約按摩到府按摩無須出門,親切的外出行動舒壓師外約上門為您指油壓,減緩累積的疲勞與 ... 享受細膩油壓按摩的舒緩,僅需一通電話或一個訊息,按摩師立即出發上門到府。台北外約按摩團隊有十多年的外派按摩經驗,保證技術到位,滿意服務。全省都有經過專業培訓的技師在台北、新北,均可提供外出到府的親切服務。